
Feel like a zombie

Geeez -3-
Naira is preparing things and cosplays for AnimeFest (http://animefest.cz/), our most popular con in Czech and I have to study and study >-> I hate studying!
Btw do you know that feeling that you are like body without soul? Without energy or taste to do something? Even computer and the Internet don't make me fun and I also fee very alone, like somebody hurt me (but no one hurt me exactly :'D)....and that feeling that nobody loves/likes you T3T Every day is totally boring day and you even hate everything and everybody around you o.O It's strange and I don't understand it.

I needed to tell somebody about this "problem" and best place is probably that blog. Pfff and I forget one thing more! I feel like nothing! Do you understand? Like....that I don't have a place or aim in that boring world....I just probably watch anime to much ^^"

So, don't be "sad" as me and enjoy your lifes! 
~ Yuzu

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