
What do we like - Pewdiepie and Smosh

If you don't know who Pewdiepie or Smosh are, you should immediately go to youtube and search them! 

We found Pewdiepie earlier than Smosh. In that time Pewdie have started play Amnesia (scariest game ever o.O). He is really funny especially when he "dubbing" other things like chair, barrels, small statue called Stephano or other characters in game. And btw his "work" is do a playthrough of some game. He plays almost horror games but when he stars twaddle...the horror game isn't horror game anymore :D As I said, he is really funny and we adore his sense of humor and he really inspired us and thanks to him we know more and more epic games :) We think that he is really kind person despite he is big Internet celebrity and star *-* He is just awesome :)

And Smosh...they are really same as Pewdiepie but we like their short films/stories and the first one was "Pokemon in real life"...that was epic and extremely funny :D They also did a song about Assassin's creed and we have to download that song a listen to it every time! They play games too but we think that they are more funny when they do the "films" :D So I recommend you to watch them!! 

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