
Petticoat + tutorial

Hello there,

so I did my very first petticoat ever! But I like it!! I am really proud of it ˘^˘

I used this tutorial -> Petticoat tutorial on youtube

I will use this petticoat for my Bernkastel cosplay :> Don't forget to follow us there -> Ouf Facebook fan page

And here it is, my petticoat c:

And some photos from progress :D


Silent Hill - Nurse cosplay

Hi there, so I tried my beta version of my Nurse cosplay from Silent Hill. Hope you like it c:


DIY - Tailor's dummy Eng/Cz

Hi fellows!

So...how to make your own tailor's dummy? I used this tutorial -> Tailor's dummy tutorial

I think it's pretty easy. You have to just ask for help from someone, buy the silver duct tape (I bought it in stationery). Wear some old tshirt and let your friend or whoever help you wrap.

In the end, you will have perfect copy of your body and it's cheaper than original tailor's dummy (at least in our country...especially when you are poor student :D).

We did this dummy twice. The first one was for Naira. We fill it with expanding foam...but...I wouldn't recommend it because in the end...the foam changed the shape of the body.
The second dummy was for me. I've started to fill it with pieces of crumpled papers and newspapers. And it's much more better!

I also make a stand from wooden rod and hanger :D (lot of duct tape used)



Snad poprvé tu píšu něco česky, možná v tom budu pokračovat, protože angličtina není zrovna můj silný jazyk XD

Každopádně, tenhle článek je spíš jen taková reklama na odkaz, který jsem vložila hned na začátku. Je to, dle mého, hezký tutoriál jak na vlastní krejčovskou pannu, pokud jste chudí studenti jako já :D

Potřebujete k tomu jen takovou tu stříbrnou pásku (myslím, že se jí říká i kobercovka), nějaké staré triko, které budete moci pak rozstřihnout a kamaráda, co vám pomůže, protože sám...to byste asi nedali (a pokud jo, hoďte sem tutoriál :D). Celé kouzlo je pak v tom, že vás kamarád/ka obmotá tou páskou (podle toho obrázkového návodu viz. nahoře odkaz), a ve finále jen rozstřihnete záda, znovu slepíte, díry zalepíte třeba kusem kartonu a vyplníte, nejlépe, zmačkanými kousky/útržky novin, papírů atd. Zkoušeli jsme na první pannu montážní pěnu, ale udělalo to jen neplechu a změnilo to tvar panny. Papír/noviny jsou docela lepší, dokonce nám to doporučila prodavačka v galanterce :D

Nu, můžu vám jen popřát hodně štěstí, vážně na tom žádná věda není, je to docela levný (já našla pásky v papírnictví za 44,-) a uděláte si přesnou kopii vašeho těla c:

Průběh a výsledek. Panna ještě není ničím naplněná.

Progress and the final form. Dummy wasn't fill. 


Částečně naplněná novinami, chybí jen horní část.

Partially filled with newspapers dummy. The upper part is missing.


New addiction called BJD

Hello creatures from all the universe!

I think that I have to be f*cking annoying for my friends because few recent days I just talk about BJDs!!!
BJD are Ball jointed dolls and basically they look pretty real and they are really beautiful!!
To be honest I know about their existence for a long time but I'd never been so interested in them at all .___. but somehow....this month....I've started to love them! To adore them! To be addicted!

I also made my mind and I totally want to save money and buy this beauty -> My future doll!! >w< 

I already know what her character will be like because she will be one of my precious OC from RPGs that I played. Her name is Miyako Nana (Nana is name, Miyako surname), she is the vampire "princess". She is from very rich and honorable family. She behaves like a real young and well-behaved lady, she looks pretty quite and shy....but the truth is that she is pretty mean/wicked.....but everybody loves her! :D

Gaaah I just can't wait!! I'm also finding job right now...so I hope that I will earn lot of money ASAP  and save mooore money to buy her!! :D Wish me luck! :)

And sorry for my English x.x Oh btw! I pass the FCE test and gain the certificate :) But....I don't feel like...like my level is already...or should be already B2 :'D I can't believe it! :D

That's all~

Yuzu c:


Facebook fan page c:

Hellooo~ nakamas! :D

So...one big piece of news! We've started our own facebook page c: This will be place where we will be posting our cosplays, progress etc...but our goal is to have better and more "professional-able" photos and stop spaming our personal fb profiles with cosplay >x<

You can visit us (and give thumb up if you like our work) here -> Naira & Yuzu's facebook page

GLaDOS - Portal 2

So another cosplay from Advik was personification of Glados from game "Portal 2". 
It was my first cosplay with lights!! The "eye" is made from cardboard and acrylic colour (black part is made of foam/moosgummi).
Frankly speaking my inspiration for this cosplay was Tenori-Tiger (and her "eye"...I don't like the big "eyes" that majority of cosplayers wear :<) and I made the dress based on those pictures ↓


And here I am with Naira as Chell (she made the portal gun herself) c:



Scheherazade from Magi

Hi there! It's been a long time~

It's about 3 weeks we were on festival/con called Advik in Prague, so I think that it's time to show you our new cosplayes!
I will also write a small article about how I sew it c:

So let's start! To be honest I (and lot of other people) love this photo! The funny thing about it is that I was laughing to something and it wasn't aim to look like that....but...it's one of the best photos I have :D